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4-week weight loss program


This service offers you a program which over the course of 4 weeks transforms your current lifestyle habits and behaviors that may be causing dis-ease, into new ones that promote optimum health. There is a strong accountability component; you will be asked to keep food logs, exercise regularly, and be willing to put forth the effort to bring about positive changes.
Program Includes:

  • Initial consultation via phone/Skype to discuss goals;

  • a comprehensive health assessment to review medical history, blood work (if you have it), current food intake, supplement use, exercise habits, and lifestyle patterns. Your height, weight, percentage body fat and waist circumference will be measured. Based on your assessment, we will help you design a program that will bring you to a healthy weight and body fat.

Plan includes a meal plan designed specifically for your lifestyle.

  • Three follow-up 60-minute appointments booked weekly, when we will review your food diary, discuss ways to overcome challenges, measure your weight and set goals for the following week. You will learn about food issues related to YOU including emotional eating vs. mindful eating, hunger/full cues, dining out, reading labels, and grocery shopping.

  • email access for Q&A

An additional option is to receive a yoga detox program starting at your current level of fitness that gradually increases as your fitness improves. You will learn about potential barriers to exercise such as injuries, procrastination, and time restraints and how to overcome them.


The program can also be customized to a 2-week intensive plan  or 8-week comprehensive weight loss program. 



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